(for sound go here, for SongShow Plus here)
The Apps
Open: Chrome, OBS Studio and Voicemeter Banana

Voicemeter Banana
Voicemeter Banana needs to run for the ceiling mics to get to OBS Studio (Livestream)
Once open, minimise it

OBS Studio
OBS Studio runs the livestream to Facebook (or YouTube if required)

Chrome – Facebook
Use Chrome to open the RC Hastings Facebook
Click: Live Video

Use stream key


Go to OBS Studio and click: Settings

Click: ‘Stream’ in the left menu
paste the stream key (Control V)
then: OK

In OBS Studio click: Start Streaming
Wait 10 seconds and the video should appear in the small Chrome window

1. Make sure ‘Friends’ is selected
2. Go Live (5 minutes before the service starts to give everyone time to join

Click: Go Live

Live Streaming
During live streaming keep an eye on the Video window & Comments
To end Live Video, click: End Live Video


Do not delete the video, just close the window

In OBS Studio click: Stop Streaming (delay not required)

Microphone selections during the service
During congregational singing
unmute: Ceiling mic
mute: Mixer mic

When the lecturn mic or lapel mic are being used
mute: Ceiling mic
unmute: Mixer mic

Camera Zoom
Aver sets the camera direction and zoom
Use the remote to select the position

Login with credentials
Camera Presets
1. Full auditorium
2. Pulpit
3. Lecturn
5. Flowers
6. Stage left

To select camera presets use the remote
e.g. preset 2 for the pulpit:

Use during the collection

Use during baptisms, POF, presentations